5:00 PM17:00

Feeding Our Faith Potluck

Am I Worthy?

How could I possibly be worthy of God's grace? What could justify God's generous gift to any of us?

In the 16th century, the Roman Catholic Church split from the Lutherans in large part because disagreements over how to answer these kinds of questions. They argued about the role of faith and the role of good works in the life of the Christian and how these related to God's gracious gift of salvation. The doctrine in question here is called "justification by faith through grace" and it bears for us today an exceedingly important but often forgotten message.

Dr. Peter Jones, a Holy Family parishioner and Assistant Professor of Pastoral Theology at Loyola University Chicago, will lead us in an exploration and discussion of that message, a message of liberation and joy. Don't miss it!

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5:00 PM17:00

Feeding Our Faith Potluck

This month's Feeding Our Faith potluck will be a week later than normal because of the Super Bowl.  So with football season over, come to learn more about our Catholic faith while also having some wonderful food and time for fellowship with your fellow parishioners!

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5:00 PM17:00

Feeding Our Faith Potluck

Tonight at 5pm in the Family Life Center we will have our monthly potluck.  Our topic for this month will be all about Advent.  So many times we just look at it as those four weeks of shopping, preparation and patient waiting until Christmas, but Advent is much more!  Bring your favorite dish or the dish from the cooking video to the potluck!

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5:00 PM17:00

Opening Night of Feeding Our Faith

Tonight is our first potluck night for Feeding our Faith!  Tonight we will be addressing the topic of Tradition vs. tradition in the Catholic Church.  So bring an entree, side dish, salad, dessert or the dish from the cooking video tonight to share with others in the Family Life Center.  The church will provide plates, utensils, napkins water and tea.  We hope to see you there! Please RSVP

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